Thursday, 28 April 2011

7.) Looking back at your prelimary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progress from it to the full product?

Since my prelimary task, I have learnt alot more and developed alot more in terms of knowledge, understanding and my abilites to work with new kinds of software and they effects it has on my product.

I have learnt many things in the progression from the premlimary task to my full product, such as how research and planning plays such a vital role in creating your product as you need to find your target audience, locations, theme and many other factors which contribute to your product.

However, one of the main things I learnt is the importance of target audience as it provides a "target" and therefore by researching other films of the same target audience you can learn and adopt certain ideas and concepts that are generally in the same genre of movie. The lack of research and planning I feel showed in my prelimary task as it was not set up correctly and the use of the camera and the way it worked was not sufficient enough in order to obtain an adequate product. Due to this I have become much more focused on what I needed to improve on for my final product so I researched camera effects and shots such as the 180 degree rule and low and high angled shots and the effect of which they give to the audience.

180 Degree Rule:

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