Tuesday 26 April 2011

Image of my Target Audience

This is a typical kind of person who would see my film. My film is aimed at the young population, between 17-25. It is more directed towards the male audience but it can also be watched and enjoyed by the females. For my opening there many graphic scenes at all so to a certain extent it could be enjoyable for people who are between 13-19.

This is George Mapp and he is 17 years old and used to attend St. Edmunds College. He is casually dressed and presented with the long black straightened hair and dark blue top. He spends most of the time playing football and going to the gym. He socialises alot with his friends, going to the cinema, clubs, partying and just generally meeting up with friends. He said that he enjoys watching films, his favourite genre is action and comedy movies although he said that he does enjoy some horror/thriller movies. He prefers watching movies in a cinema because of the quality and the atmosphere is better in a cinema rather than home, but he said that his favourite scary movie were the Paranormal Activity movies. He said that they were different to most other movies of that genre because it was done by a hand held camera which gave the "edge" and since it was done by a hand held camera it made it more realistic.

He watches shows like, Family Guy, Eastenders, The Simpsons and Casualty. These are shows a typical teenager would watch.

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