Thursday 21 April 2011

Programmes and Websites I Used

I've uploaded my video onto youtube so I can get feedback from my classmates and other people who view my film opening. Youtube is a great way to show people what you can do and get yourself noticed, hence their slogan, "Broadcast Yourself". I also expereienced problems originally uploading my video straight from my computer so I uploaded it on youtube first and then put it onto my blog.

Blogger is the website/programme I used to post my ideas and progress throughout the making of my video. The idea of blogger is to put my ideas and thoughts onto it to show my progress and build up to the final product. I was able to upload videos, pictures and text onto it to show my development.

Corel Video Studio was the programme our class used to edit our films. I found it very easy to use and apply/incorporate certain effects into it such as special visual effects and sound effects and titles. However, we could only access the programme from the computers in our media studies classroom as the programme was not installed in any of the other computers in our school., this could be classed as a slight limitation to the process.

This is a website where you can watch the openings of films and also it gives you tipps on how to improve your opening and what to do and what not to do. I did pick up on a few ideas from watching a few openings from the same genre of my film such as effects and a few camera angles.

Keep Vid is the website which allows you to download videos from Youtube using the URL. I used this website to put my distributer into my film (New Line Cinema). It was very simple to use as I use the same method to download music onto my ipod. I was told about this website by a member of my class and sound it very useful in my media project.

Vimeo is the website we used as a class to post our videos onto into a HD format

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